A heartwarming tale of a young boy’s unwavering admiration for his father, who works at the Dunkwa mines. But when his Big Dada suddenly changes, the boy’s world is turned upside down. Join him on an emotional journey as he navigates the complexities of life and the unconditional love between a father and son.
My Big Dada
My Big Dada is the best father in the whole wide world! He works at the Dunkwa mines and is always there for me. But one day my Big Dada changes? What could have happened to him? Read about this young boy’s admiration for his father whom he looks up to in every way.
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Additional information
Author |
Kwasi Otopah |
Publisher |
Smartline |
9988-600-80-8 |
Year |
2015 |
Age range |
6 to 8 |